Friday, December 3, 2010

My thoughts about government.

National government today is too big, spends too much money, and makes all the wrong decisions. Instead of focusing on wars around the world, the national government should concentrate on fixing our own problems. Imagine if all the money spent on the wars was spent on making America more self-reliant. Instead, we engage the rest of the world and try to strong arm them into operating in our economic interests; the seemingly worthless Dollar is the world reserve currency, but for how much longer remains to be seen. One of these days the Dollar could collapse and America could become a third world nation, one of these days the Chinese may decide that we owe them so much money that they should take us over, imagine foreigners breaking into your house and taking your prime body off for organ-harvesting. Yes, all because of the ignorance of the people and the lunacy of the leaders. Both major parties serve the same off-shore interests. Choose one. Vote third party; your name will be put on a list.
            Luckily present conditions are not so extreme, but is could get that bad if we don’t wake up and see where our national government is taking us.

1 comment:

  1. I strongly agree, what you are saying. Yes, National government should focus more in its internal Issues rather than focusing on wars around the world. U.S known as the one of the powerful country around the world and it should be like that. National government is like a credit card and State government is like a debit card. The government does not have any money; it takes our money from us, and borrows more, then spends that. Suppose you want to spend more money this month than your income. This situation is called a "budget deficit". So you borrow (i.e; use your credit card). The amount you borrowed (and now owe) is called your debt. You have to pay interest on your debt. If next month you don't have enough money to cover your spending (another deficit), you must borrow some more, and you'll still have to pay the interest on the loan. If you have a deficit every month, you keep borrowing and your debt grows. If we keep on borrowing money from other country (like China, or any foreign country) then, soon the interest payment on our loan is bigger than any other item in our government budget. Eventually, all we can do is pay the interest payment, and you don't have any money left over for anything else and interest payments on that debt will become the largest item in the federal budget. Right now, U.S is facing economic issues and it’s affecting states.
