Friday, October 29, 2010

Welcome to the United Snakes.

I believe that our national government is leading the country in the wrong direction. Our United States has the largest incarcerated population in the world, both in sheer numbers and per capita.  Many of these people are non-violent drug abusers. In what once was the land of the free, people no longer have control over their own bodies.  More interestingly, these same people are often politically apathetic. In what once was the land of the brave, people are conditioned into thinking that they can no longer make a difference.
Our great nation spends hundreds of billions on weapons, and only pennies on humanity.  We fight unjust wars all around the world. What was once a beacon of hope for the world has become a dark cancer. We go all around the world starting wars and taking down governments for our own purposes. Human life means nothing to the United States government. The government sees us as human capital. They number us, organize us, pump us full of crap, and profit off the diseases they cause.
I feel like our nation has degraded into something ugly. We are hated around the world and it is not because we the people are free, it is because we the people live in a dream world. Living out their mediocre lives in a pleasant daze while the government rapes and murders destroys the rest of the world. Billions are spent to in “aid” to other nations when our own homeless starve out on the streets, and when disasters strike here at home our government is woefully unprepared, as evidenced by hurricane Katrina.  

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